Engineers Leverage YouTube to Spread Christmas Cheer

Today I noticed in my Facebook feed a post by the Illinois Section AWWA account highlighting a holiday greeting from the Baxter and Woodman Engineering Consulting Firm. Because it was such a great example of how firms are leveraging social media tools like YouTube, I thought I would post it here and share it with all of you. While it is nice to get Christmas cards, it is even nicer and more entertaining for me to watch a Christmas greeting on a video. And I can easily share it with other professionals.




Elgin Rocks on with Beet Juice and Social Media

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the great job the city of Elgin did in communicating information about their snow removal operations. Today I noticed Elgin has also set up a channel on YouTube at One of the videos, shown below, is particularly interesting to those of us involved in public works because it talks about how the city uses beet juice for snow and ice control operations. And for those of us using social media, Elgin’s video also provides another great example of how to effectively reach out to the public with new media. Rock on Elgin – we’ll be watching you!
